Based in Tasmania, Australia, Novaris Pty Ltd is positioned to provide you with the highest quality electrical surge protection products in the world. We leverage the expertise of our employees to provide consulting, and manufacturing products that suit the needs of your organisation, first time, every time.

Diane & Phillip Tompson
Founders of Novaris
Novaris was first established in 1993 in Kingston, Tasmania. The company’s products instantly filled a demand by providing high quality surge protection products designed to withstand some of the highest lightning environments. This ideology continues to be the core of our design philosophy today.
In 2003 Novaris Technologies, Malaysia was established to expand manufacturing capability as product sales grew globally. As part of this expansion it was essential to globally establish ISO9001 compliance for all Novaris research and production sites. The compliance ensures that all Novaris products manufactured worldwide maintain our exacting quality standards.
We continue to be active in research and development in the fields of surge protection techniques and application. The Novaris high voltage test lab gives our team the necessary resources to confidently develop and test new designs. This equipment is extensively used for in circuit testing when designing customised protection for specific applications. One of the founders and directors of Novaris, Phillip Tompson, is a member of the Australian Standards EL-024 Protection against Lightning committee and represents Australia on the IEC TC81 and SC37A Lightning and surge protection committees.
Novaris products have proven capability in the protection of electrical disturbances and our innovative team of R&D engineers are able to design surge protection solutions for the most demanding applications. The advantage of Novaris’ success is its capable and enthusiastic staff chosen for their ability to be innovative and in their willingness to work in a leading edge technological environment.
With the knowledge and skills that Novaris possesses, comprehensive advice to the customer can be given upon request to suit any application for the protection of their equipment and electrical systems. Novaris has become recognised for its ability to provide flexible solutions and sound advice for individual customers based on many years of experience in the sector.
Novaris’ products are produced in accordance with the latest world standards and as such are regularly used by many companies and individuals to protect their systems from potentially severe electrical disturbances. Applications include railway signalling, SCADA, power systems, process control, data networks, CCTV, security and communications systems.
Novaris is able to offer an analysis and design of new or existing surge and lightning protection systems. Our experience extends worldwide in all disciplines of electrical engineering.

Grant Paul & Peter Burnett
Part of the Novaris Sales Team
Structural Lightning Protection and Earthing Systems
Design and advise on conventional lightning protection systems for all structures in accordance with recognised world standards.
Supply of structural lightning protection, surge protection, bonding and earthing components. -
Custom Product Design
Our innovative R&D team can engineer a surge protection solution for almost any power and signalling system, ranging from the most sensitive to the most exposed. We utilise our in house high voltage test lab to design and demonstrate our effective solutions. Contact us for your specific application.
Surge Protection Products to suit any application
Power protection products ranging from main switchboard direct lightning current protection, to 3 stage protection filters for sensitive loads, and everything in between.
Signal protection products for PLC, control systems, rail applications, data networks, communications, RF coaxial, and more.
Investigation and Analysis
Novaris offers a complete package from analysis of your existing earthing and surge protection system to providing complete lightning and surge protection recommendations based on site surveys and technical analysis.
Project Management & Installation
Novaris is actively involved in consultancy, project management and installation work. Our experience extends from Australia to the Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
Surge Protection Seminars
We offer training for your group on the latest developments in lightning and surge protection and best practices for application. We have worldwide experience in application of our products and can bring this directly to your team. Contact us to find out more.
The Powercom Group will continue to expand by increasing its global presence through the ethical promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship.
The strength of the Group will remain the high quality of its capabilities, resources and its people.
Novaris is a constantly growing and evolving Australian company. We provide opportunities for individuals who align themselves with our vision and our culture within the company.
Our manufacturing offices throughout Tasmania and Malaysia are located conveniently near the heart of their respective business centres and are easily accessed for all individuals.
Our Engineers provide expert advice and consultation services to major construction projects around the world for lighting and surge protection.
Opportunities exist for:
- Specialist Engineers
- Graduate Engineers
- Sales Executives
- Marketing Executives
- Logistics
- Administration
The Novaris commitment to excellence in design, manufacture and customer support, we have an active R&D section that move with new technology and applications of the future.
Novaris maintains its own test laboratory to ensure that all manufactured products must meet performance standards in accordance with the relevant Australian and IEC standards. This commitment to excellence was again highlighted in June 2012 when BHP used the test laboratory to test performance of products.
In our testing laboratory, we maintain continuous quality assurance tests on all our products, develop new technologies and products and test all our products in real world simulations.